Narayana Murthy (Infosys) Horoscope predictions

Narayana Murthy

As per the birth details of N. R. Narayana Murthy available with us below are the predictions:

1) Four planets viz SUN, MOO, RAH & KET got strongly positioned (exhalted).  Particularly 7th house and 10th house are very strong with exalted MOO and exalted SUN respectively which represents the profession and business STHANA

2) 9th house (Bhagya/Wealth Sthana) is also equally strong with MER in it causes huge wealth and success. Moreover there is a formation of Mahalakshmi yog in the chart (JUP in 11th as per Bhava) which also results huge wealth and fame

3) Tough time during early age till the age of 17years. The best period was during 1969-74; 1979-84; 1989-95; & 2000-2006

4) SUN being yog karaka and 10th (profession) ruler positioned strong in own house and caused great elevation