Sanjay Dutt Horoscope predictions

Sanjay Dutt

As per the birth details of Sanjay Dutt available with us below are the predictions:

1) He had best period during 1975 to 1990 and later from 1999 to 2003.  Planet VEN in 10th (profession) house gave him success in film industry.  As 9th (wealth) ruler MOO got exalted there is huge success and earnings

2) Exalted MOO in 7th also given him huge success and elevation.  Though Rah-Ket dosh in the chart caused some gaps in marital life but strong MOO in 7th house causing support from his spouse

3) Lagna & 6th ruler MARS got debilitated in navamsha hence weakened in the chart.

4) Negative period was during 1991 to 1994 and again since 2003 onwards continuing

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